Example: flask

The following is an example of using flaat with flask.

# Flaat example with Flask
import logging
from flaat import AuthWorkflow
from flaat.config import AccessLevel
from flaat.flask import Flaat
from flaat.requirements import CheckResult, HasSubIss, IsTrue
from flaat.requirements import get_claim_requirement
from flaat.requirements import get_vo_requirement

from flask import Blueprint, Flask, abort, current_app
from werkzeug import Response

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Basic configuration example ---------------------------------------

# Standard flask blueprint snippet, source:
# https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.1.x/blueprints
frontend = Blueprint("frontend", "frontend")

# Set a list of access levels to use
def is_admin(user_infos):
    return user_infos.user_info['email'] in current_app.config['ADMIN_EMAILS']

flaat = Flaat([
    AccessLevel("user", HasSubIss()),
    AccessLevel("admin", IsTrue(is_admin)),

class Config(object):

    # Defines the list of Flaat trusted OIDC providers

    # Additional example configuration:
    ADMIN_EMAILS = ["admin@foo.org", "dev@foo.org"]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Production configuration example ----------------------------------
class ProductionConfig(Config):

    # In production you might want to reduce the number of OP
    TRUSTED_OP_LIST = ["https://aai.egi.eu/oidc/"]
    FLAAT_ISS = "https://aai.egi.eu/oidc/"

    # Define your request timeout for production

    # Required for using token introspection endpoint:
    FLAAT_CLIENT_ID = "oidc-agent"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Development configuration example ---------------------------------
class DevelopmentConfig(Config):

    # High timeouts might simplify debugging

    # On development certificate verification might not be needed

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Testing configuration example -------------------------------------
class TestingConfig(Config):

    # Set TESTING to True to run all Flask plugins on testing mode
    TESTING = True

    # When testing to run requirements as close as possible to production

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Standard flask Application Factories snippet, source --------------
# https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.1.x/patterns/appfactories
def create_app(config=f"{__name__}.ProductionConfig"):
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # Init application plugins
    # db.init_app(app)
    # mail.init_app(app)

    # Register blueprints
    # app.register_blueprint(admin)
    # app.register_blueprint(other)

    return app

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Routes definition -------------------------------------------------
@frontend.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def root():
    text = """This is an example for using flaat with Flask.
    The following endpoints are available:
        /info                       General info about the access_token
        /info_no_strict             General info without token validation
        /authenticated              Requires a valid user
        /authenticated_callback     Requires a valid user, uses a custom callback on error
        /authorized_level           Requires user to fit the specified access level
        /authorized_claim           Requires user to have one of two claims
        /authorized_vo              Requires user to have an entitlement
        /full_custom                Fully custom auth handling
    return Response(text, mimetype="text/plain")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Call with user information ----------------------------------------
@frontend.route("/info", methods=["GET"])
@flaat.inject_user_infos()  # Fail if no valid authentication is provided
def info_strict_mode(user_infos):
    return user_infos.toJSON()

@frontend.route("/info_no_strict", methods=["GET"])
@flaat.inject_user_infos(strict=False)  # Pass with invalid authentication
def info(user_infos=None):
    return user_infos.toJSON() if user_infos else "No userinfo"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Endpoint which requires of an authenticated user ------------------
@frontend.route("/authenticated", methods=["GET"])
def authenticated():
    return "This worked: there was a valid login"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instead of giving an error this will return the custom error
# response from `my_on_failure` -------------------------------------
def my_on_failure(exception, user_infos=None):
    text = f"""Custom callback 'my_on_failure' invoked:
        Error Message: {exception}
        User: {user_infos if user_infos else "No Auth"}
    abort(401, description=text)

@frontend.route("/authenticated_callback", methods=["GET"])
def authenticated_callback():
    return "This worked: there was a valid login"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Endpoint which requires an access level ---------------------------
@frontend.route("/authorized_level", methods=["GET"])
def authorized_level():
    return "This worked: user has the required rights"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# The user needs to satisfy a certain requirement -------------------
email_requirement = get_claim_requirement(
    ["admin@foo.org", "dev@foo.org"],

@frontend.route("/authorized_claim", methods=["GET"])
def authorized_claim():
    return "This worked: User has the claim"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# The user needs belong to a certain virtual organization -----------
vo_requirement = get_vo_requirement(

@frontend.route("/authorized_vo", methods=["GET"])
def authorized_vo():
    return "This worked: user has the required entitlement"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# For maximum customization use AuthWorkflow ------------------------
def my_request_check(user_infos, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(args) != 1:
        return CheckResult(False, "Missing request object")
    return CheckResult(True, "The request is allowed")

def my_process_args(user_infos, *args, **kwargs):
    """We can manipulate the view functions arguments here The user is
    already authenticated at this point, therefore we have `user_infos`,
    therefore we can base our manipulations on the users identity.
    kwargs["email"] = user_infos.get("email", "")
    return (args, kwargs)

custom = AuthWorkflow(
    flaat,  # needs the flaat instance
    user_requirements=get_claim_requirement("bar", "foo"),
    ignore_no_authn=True,  # Don't fail if there is no authentication

@frontend.route("/full_custom", methods=["GET"])
@custom.decorate_view_func  # invoke the workflow here
def full_custom(email=""):
    text = f"""This worked: The custom workflow did succeed:
        The users email is: {email}
    return Response(text, mimetype="text/plain")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main function -----------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = create_app("ProductionConfig")
    app.run(host="", port=8081)